
  • It is compulsory for all students to complete 75% attendance before every exam to make them eligible to sit for the examination. In case attendance is short, students will not be eligible for promotion/any academic award.
  • Adequate preparatory leave is given before each exam. It is mandatory for students to attend school till the last working day.
  • Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than ten consecutive days renders the student liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls; readmission may be granted only on payment of fresh admission fee provided the vacancy still exists.
  • All children are expected to attend school on the opening day after every vacation and must be present before closing for the vacations. Those absent because of sickness must present a medical certificate within 3 days of absence through fax, a representative, or school website.
  • A child returning to school after suffering from an infectious or contagious disease should produce a fitness certificate from a doctor.
  • Students suffering from any one of the following diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to class.
    • Chicken pox – Till complete falling of scabs.
    • Cholera – Till the child is completely well.
    • Measles – Two weeks after the rash disappears.
    • Mumps – Until the swelling has gone.
    • Whooping cough – Six weeks
    • Jaundice – Six weeks
  • Only those students will be put ‘On Duty’ who represent the school while playing a tournament, or a sport or participate in any other event. Any student, not representing the school, will have no such claim.
  • Proper permission by the event in-charge duly signed by the Administration must be carried by students On Duty.